Tuesday, July 30, 2013

tuesday topics: ten things i live for.

There are few blogs out there that I follow that do Tuesday Topics, so this week I thought I would give it a try. This weeks topic is Ten Things I live for.

One; God. Without him I'm nothing. He is my everything and who I live for.

Two; Michael. He has been the most amazing blessing in my life. There are still moments where I can't believe he is mine, but I'm so glad he is.

Three; My Family. I don't know where I would be without them.

Four; My Friends. I'm so blessed to have each one of my friends in my life whether it's my friends from school or the ones I have made while working at the church.

Five; A Good Book. I love sitting down and getting lost in a good book. I wish I had more time to read. Currently reading A Storm of Swords in the A Song of Ice and Fire series.

Six; Jack. I love this dog.

Seven; Creating. I love designing. It's what I went to school for. I love sitting behind a computer and creating something out of nothing.

Eight; Being a Nerd.

Nine; Going on Adventures. I have traveled all my life and I'm always ready to go somewhere new or try something new.

Ten; Dr. Pepper. Enough said.


Sunday, July 21, 2013

the month of june.

Let me tell you about June, because a lot happen last month.

New Job. This past month I took on a new job at the church along with the job I already do. I am now the Director of Connections. Which means I am in charge of connecting people to different things we have going on in the church, like house groups and other events that might be going on. I was really nervous about it and I guess I'm still a little nervous about all of it. When the pastor first brought it he said he had talked to several people about me doing the job and they thought I could do it and he thought I would be good at the job. All I remember thinking is 'if you think I can do it well I guess I will give it a try'. I am still a little nervous about it and I have been doing the job for more than a month now, but I'm slowly starting to figure it all out.

[ my new shared office ]

Annual Conference. I was asked to be a young adult representative from our district at the Missouri Annual Conference for the United Methodist Church. Let me just say I was one of seven young adult at the whole conference and there was a lot of people there.  The first day we where there, there was a lot of business that had to be taken care of and I remember thinking 'If this is how it is going to be the whole conference it's going to be a long one.' Luckily though after the first day everything seem to get much better. I really took a lot from the conference and was really excited to be taking on my new job as Director of Connections at the church. I really felt God saying 'You can do this. Don't worry'.

The Kids. After coming back from Annual Conference the next big thing was James and Alyssa coming to stay with us for the Summer. I was a little nervous about them coming to stay. I had only met both of the briefly a few before months and I have never really had to deal with kids that are seven and eight years old before. So this all was very new to be to say the least, but I have had a blast with the both of them and love them both dearly. I'm glad that I got to spend my summer with them and I have definitely learned a lot this summer about myself and about being around kids.

The City Museum. First of all, if you are ever in St. Louis with or with out kids check this place out. It's like a big place on steroids there is even a school bus on the top of the building. Michael and I decided to try and keep up with the kids after we came down the 10 store slide and we did, but my knees hated every moment of it and for someone who is a little bit claustrophobic there were some places I wish I hadn't crawled in. I had a blast and so did everyone else. James and Alyssa are at the prefect age were I think the really got the most out of the City Museum.

[ this one is my favorite ]

The Green Dragon Ball. I don't feel like there is a whole lot to say about the Green Dragon Ball, but maybe I should explain what it is for those of you who don't know. Michael is apart of the Chemical Corps in the Army and the Green Dragon Ball is thrown every year on the Chemical Corps Regiment's birthday. I was glad Michael asked me to go with him. It always means a lot to me when he ask me to go to things like this with him. This was also the first time I got to see Michael in his dress blues and if I do say so myself he looks pretty snazzy in them.

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